Week 6 The Trinity
The icon was created by Russian painter Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. It is regarded as one of the highest achievements of Russian art. It depicts the Holy Trinity in the form of the three angels who visited Abraham at the oak of Mamre (Genesis 18,1-15). Explanation: https://sacredheartpullman.org/documents/2017/8/Trinityicon.pdf In Fr. Richard Rohr’s book, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation, he explores ideas and themes about the Trinity. In his first meditation, Fr. Rohr suggested that we begin thinking about our Triune God by praying the following simple prayer. I commend it to you today for your own contemplation and for any discussion you might want to offer. • • • God for us, we call you “Father.” God alongside us, we call you “Jesus.” God within us, we call you “Holy Spirit.” Together, you are the Eternal Mystery That enables, enfolds, and enlivens all things, Even us and even me....